Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Hello Everyone,
I want to inform you that this blog will be moving to podiobooks.com in the near future. I had a wonderful interview with Brain Rathbone over Skype and have a recording that will be going on on the new blog as soon as I do some editing. Please join me on podiobooks.com and enjoy more reviews. Thank you all for reading this blog and I hope to see you there as well.

Brandie Vizzier

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Preparing for my interview with Brian Rathbone

Hello readers,
     I am excited about my upcoming interview with the author of the Dawning of Power trilogy Brian Rathbone.
I have only once in my life before this read the same book more than once. That book was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. That was my favorite childhood book. Now I have three new books to add to that very small list of books I loved enough to read again. Those books are part of the Dawning of Power trilogy:
   1. Call of the Herald
   2. Inherited Danger
   3. Dragon ore

    I am totally and completely head-over-heels in love with this trilogy. I have never said that about any book before, much less three. I implore you all to get these podiobooks, listen to them and love them. After you have listened to them if you have any questions you would like me to ask Brian. Feel free to add them in the comments. I will be sure to ask them on your behalf. 

The Anticipation Builds!!!,


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Metamor City by Chris Lester

I really should have made this my first review. If you really want to ensure that you become addicted to podcasts, Metamor City is THE ULTIMATE in podcast novels. It is so much more than that. It is HUGE! To begin with, it has a few short stories that lead into the very large, and so far unending, main story. It has a cast of all star podcasters. It will trap you in the City of Metamor and hold you in its metaphysical grasp.

Metamor is a city of magic and technology intertwined into a mass of "Kick ASS" storytelling and acting. If you love fantasy and sci-fi this is the podcast for you. It takes everything magical and throws in some hi-tech to bring this world to life. During the break between updates of Metamor City they don't leave you having withdraws. Instead they give you a little fix with some short stories written by fans and cast members. These stories are just as great as the major storyline. I can't say enough about this podiobook/podcast. I could never do it real justice. You HAVE to listen to this. You just have to.

Along with Chris Lester (the author), you get Phillipa Ballentine (author of Chasing the Bard, Weather Child, and Digital Migic [sequel to Chasing the Bard] ) lending her voice to Eva Selind's character. Among the other big name voice talents are:

Leann Mabry  voice of Morgan Drauling and guest narrator

Tee Morris voice of Evan Selindi and author of  Morevi
J. C. Hutchins voice of  William Westerson and author of  7th Son trilogy

Plus many, many more. Too many to list here so you can check out the website for the podcast and learn all about the cast. They are a diverse and interesting group. You can get the podcast from iTunes or go to Podiobooks.com. Both places off it for free. You don't have to have an mp3 player to listen. It will play on your PC.
Please check this excellent podcast out. I promise you will love it and I don't' make promises I can't keep.

( I can't seem to get the italics to go off lol)

'Till next time Listen 'till your ears bleed


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Amnar: The Awakening by Isabel Joely Black

I was left absolutely breathless and speechless at this magnificently written piece of art. I truly do not know what to say or where to start telling you about this book. It is fast paced and full of heart pounding, nail biting, swallow you up imagination and action. It starts off hard to follow because of the author's accent, but it is well worth sticking it out and getting use to how she narrates. I highly recommend this book and its sequel, Amnar: The Inheritance. I cannot fully describe how amazing this book is. Read and follow along with the story of a young woman named Io in her journey of frightening and exciting life changing discoveries about herself, her people and where she truly belongs.
Get it here at Podiobooks.com, free as always.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Daughter of the Sun, by Lonnie Ezell and Blog update

This book grabs hold like a bear and keeps its grip until the end.

Elena is a beautiful woman with beautiful "red hair", a sign of "the Breath". She has hated that fact all of her life. She didn't know she had the Breath much less she never wanted it. She accidentally calls on this power to save daughter; in doing so she endangers both of them. In her hatred of her mother, Elena has rejected this power. Now, she must not only learn to use it, but must also face her hatred of  her mother if she is to save not only her daughter but everyone in the lands from the Duke and Overloard. As a mother bear protects her cubs, so too does Elena fight to protect and save her daughter. This truly is a book of wonderful storytelling, power and love. ~JadeDragoness

I am waiting for this school term to end in 4 weeks before I treat everyone to The Dawning Power trilogy. These books were so good and I love them so much that I am going to take my time to give them an excelent review and have an audio Q & A recorded with Brian Rathbone, the author. We will be setting up an interview on Skype and I will record it and share what he says with you all. I am so excited about this project. Until then keep reading my reviews and keep listening to podiobooks until your ears bleed :P


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Q & A With Mur Lafferty author of Heaven series

I am so excited to have my first Q & A with a wonderful author and well known name in the podibook world. On her Heaven series of books, I introduce to you Mur Lafferty! (I can hear the applause :P)

Q: What are your inspirations for writing the Heaven series?
I was thinking about how anticipation is often better (or worse) than the reality we anticipate. And I wondered if the ultimate reward turned out to be not as good as expected when we finally got it. Then I just started playing with mythologies and different afterlives.

Q: Did you already know a lot about the major religions or did you have to do a lot of research?

About half and half. I was familiar with Greek and Norse mythology, and passing knowledge with Native American. I had to do lots of research on Chinese and Egyptian and Japanese.

Q: What were you favorite parts of the series or each book?

Gosh. That's hard. I think Wasteland and War, flipping between the wasteland and afterlives and building a new world were my favorite. I also liked giving Heaven to a hobo for safe keeping in Earth.

I thought there was something left unanswered and that was the battle between Heaven and Hell.

Q: Was it intentionally left to the imagination or are we going to get to hear about the final battle between Heaven and Hell?

Sure. Every story is going to have open threads for the reader's interpretation.

Q: Is there anything you would like to say to the people reading this? Maybe about your future projects

I don't have any podcasted fiction coming up right now, nothing that I can talk about, anyway. I'd just recommend listening to the Tor.com podcast for fiction and listening to my podcast I Should Be Writing for writing advice.

Q: What you would like  listeners to have taken away from the Heaven series?

I never look at writing that way. I tell a story, I hope people enjoy it, and walk away with a desire, perhaps, to hear more stories, from me, from others, doesn't matter. And Heaven was really a love letter to all the stories that are the foundation storytellers rely on today.
Thank you so much Mur for you wonderfully open and honest answers. I hope to hear more from you in the future. I will be adding Playing for Keeps to this blog soon.

I hope my readers enjoyed this Q & A portion of my blog. Please download the Heaven series and give it a listen. Feel free to post your comments and your own reviews as well. 


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lisenting to Brian Rathbone's- Dawning of Power: Trilogy

Hey Ya'll,
I am listening to Brain Rathbone's- Dawning of Power: Trilogy. Actually, I am going back and listening to it again; its that good. I want it fresh on my mind when I post my review. I have friended him on Podiobooks.com's Community pages (its kind of like face book without all the games). Anyway, he made an interesting suggestion in an email I received. He sometimes does interviews over Skype, records the conversation and makes it into a podcast to be downloaded and listened to. So, I was thinking I would do some Q & A with him over Skype, transcribe what was said, then add both the vocal recording and transcription to the review posting.

This is getting good ya'll. I am so excited to be able to reach out to the authors and have them respond rather fast and with enthusiasm.

As for the Dawning of Power: Trilogy I am loving every bit of it all over again. This is one story that will grab hold and not let go; more of that in my "official review".

I am going to link the first book, Call of the Hearld, to you from iTunes. Its free so subscribe and listen. You can listen on your PC or Mp3 player. If you don't have iTunes, get it, it is free too.
I am so excited to introduce this trilogy to you all. Imagine me jumping up and down and telling you to go get this podiobook. Get it! Get it! Get it! I promise you will be enthralled with it as much as I am.

So check back in and keep an eye out for my review and hopefully my first, live recorded, interview.

Here is Call of the Hearld. Get it!

Until next time, read until your eyes burn and listen until your ears bleed,.
